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Cryotherapy for Athletic Performance, Injury + Recovery
3 minutes for optimal results

Cryotherapy tricks the body into “fight or flight mode”,  triggering the release of epinephrine, endorphins and anti-inflammatory proteins. The body is not actually in hypothermia—but the brain thinks that it is. Blood rushes to the core, increasing metabolism and energy.

Athletic performance is enhanced by increased energy, the natural endorphin “high” and reduced perception of symptomatic pain.

Injury to muscles, bone and tissue repair is enhanced by reduced inflammation from highly enriched, oxygenated blood, improved blood circulation and lymphatic detoxification.

Recovery occurs more quickly and completely in the anti-inflammatory and enhanced blood flow environment. Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness is significantly reduced.

Mental recovery is accelerated due to energy increase and release of endorphins.

Performance Protocol:

3 minute WBC session up to 2 hours prior to workout or race/event.

Professional athletes use cryotherapy prior to workouts or events in order to maximize their performance.

Injury Protocol:

Daily 3 minute WBC session + local cryotherapy at point of injury until pain, swelling and inflammation have subsided.

Injury side effects usually subside within 3 to 7 treatments.

Recovery Protocol:

3 minute WBC session as soon as possible after workout or race/event.

Professional athletes use cryotherapy after practice sessions and games/events to relieve muscle fatigue, soreness and injury.

Cryotherapy for Pain Management + Wellness
A pharmaceutical-free solution

Cryotherapy effectively treats pain and improves overall wellness through three mechanisms:

Cryotherapy effectively reduces local and systemic inflammation, a major source of pain and chronic health problems.

Cryotherapy triggers the release of analgesic (pain-relieving) endorphins such as norepinephrine.

Pain-gate and dermatomal confusion: cold sensors in the skin travel to the brain faster than pain sensors thus “closing the gate” to the feeling of pain. This dermatomal confusion also explains how analgesics like Ben-Gay relieve pain–a competing sensation (cold) distracts from the sensation of pain.

Studies indicate that cryotherapy significantly improves symptoms related to:


Auto-immune disorders

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Lyme disease


Degenerative diseases of the joints and spine

Bursitis, tendonitis and joint inflammation

Depression + mood disorders


Hormonal imbalances

Skin disorders such as psoriasis + acne

Cryomedtherapy will customize pain + wellness protocols for the conditions listed plus many more. Please contact Cryomedtherapy to create a customized cryotherapy protocol to effectively treat your specific health concerns.

Cryotherapy for Weight Loss
How it works:

The skin senses the extreme cold during a 3 minute whole body cryotherapy session and signals the brain to go into “fight or flight” mode. The body is not in any real danger as it is only the skin that is being cooled. The brain responds to this perceived threat by triggering the following responses:

Norepinephrine and endorphins are released to increase metabolism and energy. This metabolic increase can last 3 to 5 days and may improve with repeated cryotherapy sessions.

In an effort to maintain core temperature, blood rushes to the core burning 500 to 800 calories. Calories continue to burn post-treatment as the body re-heats.

The combined impact of increased metabolism and high calorie burn can lead to weight loss. Repeated, consistent cryotherapy sessions increases the metabolism in the long term, resulting in more passive calories burned and continued weight loss or maintenance.

Additional Weight Loss Benefits:

Endorphin release elevates mood, reduces anxiety, relieves insomnia.

Reduces fat deposits and cellulite by de-activating cold sensitive fat cells.

Enhanced blood flow stimulates fat cell detoxification and lymphatic drainage

Cryotherapy for Anti-Aging + Beauty
A non-invasive safe solution

Cryotherapy provokes vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation as the body reheats. This process increases blood circulation and detoxification, enriches the blood with nutrients and oxygen and reduces inflammation.

Stimulates collagen production for more firm, smooth and elastic skin.

Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, acne and superficial scars.

Reduces fat deposits and cellulite.

Balances hormones.

Enhances surgical recovery

Increases libido and sexual stamina

Relieves insomnia

Performance Protocol:

3 minute WBC session up to 2 hours prior to workout or race/event.

Professional athletes use cryotherapy prior to workouts or events in order to maximize their performance.

Injury Protocol:

Daily 3 minute WBC session + local cryotherapy at point of injury until pain, swelling and inflammation have subsided.

Injury side effects usually subside within 3 to 7 treatments.

Recovery Protocol:

3 minute WBC session as soon as possible after workout or race/event.

Professional athletes use cryotherapy after practice sessions and games/events to relieve muscle fatigue, soreness and injury.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Cryotherapy

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Danielle M.

The beneficial effects of cryotherapy are immediate and lasting. I love the endorphin rush and feel that my mood is elevated for days. I feel so energized after cryo, like I am ready to face the day and conquer any obstacles that come my way. Since starting cryotherapy I have experienced deeper sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed and rested. I was suffering from sore muscles and knee pain from strength training and running and have found that with regular cryo sessions, my pain has completely subsided. I feel confident that I have a new wellness ritual that is giving my body systemic benefits that will lead to better overall health! I have also lost weight and inches! I am totally hooked!

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Sabina S.

I’m a zumba instructor and the constant pivoting and impact of the routines is really hard on my knees. I have been suffering for years with knee pain. I decided to try cryotherapy on my knees. I no longer have any pain in my knees!!! The first time I tried it, the pain-free interval lasted a few days. After 5 sessions, the pain-free interval is at least a week, usually longer. I intend to keep treating my knees with cryotherapy until the pain is permanently gone. At this rate, it will be soon!

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